No worries! Click Forgot Password? on My, and follow the prompts to reset it.

When prompted to change your password on My T-Mobile or the app, update the password so that you don't get locked out of your account.Manage your password Update or reset your password Must be different from your last five passwords.Can include these special characters: ~ # $ % ^ & * () / : ?.It's good practice to change account passwords every few months, and we require that you change your T-Mobile ID password once a year. & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp nbsp Note: Home Internet customers who did not provide an email address for service notifications and receive a paper bill, or have canceled all other lines on their T-Mobile account except their Home Internet and can no longer log in will need to contact customer care at 84 to provide their email address to register for T-Mobile ID.

Enter the registration PIN, then click Verify my email.Check your email for the registration PIN.Fill in your name and email that was provided during activation.If one has not been created, follow one of the above methods.įollow these steps for T-Mobile Home Internet only accounts. If you add T-Mobile Home Internet to your account with a voice line, you can use your existing T-Mobile ID to manage your Home Internet account.